Contact Us

Privacy Policies

Met Éireann Headquarters

65/67 Glasnevin Hill
Dublin 9
D09 Y921
Opening Hours: 09:15 – 17:30 (17:15 on Friday)
Tel: +353-1-8064200
email: *see below first
Web/App Queries: *

Past Weather & Climate Enquiries Office

Please view our Available Data page first

Tel:     +353-1-8064260 (Climate enquiries only)

Fax:     +353-1-8064216 (checked weekly)
Email: (Climate enquiries only)

Note: Provision of services is subject to a fee

General Forecasting Division

Tel:     +353-1-8064255

Note: Provision of forecasts is subject to a fee

Media Enquiries


Further details on services to media

Past Weather – Legal Reports

Further information and Legal Report Request form

Customer Liaison Officer

Tel: +353-1-8064200
Fax: +353-1-8064247

Freedom of Information Officer

 +353 (0) 1 888 2000

Freedom of Information

Open Data Liaison Officer


Met Éireann Aviation Services

Shannon Airport, Co. Clare, V14 KC92, Ireland

Tel: +353-61-712950

Met Éireann Valentia Observatory

Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry, V23 V227, Ireland

Tel:     +353-66-9473460
Fax:     +353-66-9472242

Contact Us

*We welcome queries and constructive comments about all aspects of our services. They will be circulated among relevant members of our staff and wherever possible we will endeavour to respond within two weeks.

If you wish to comment on a particular weather forecast, please state as clearly from what section of our website/app/on TV/radio you saw the forecast, date/ time and include links / screenshots if possible.

Abusive communications and any marketing requests will not be responded to.

Emails may be included in a Freedom of Information return but personal details will be redacted.

RTÉ Weather TV Forecast background image: Met Éireann does not have editorial control or any information on the background photo used.

Hourly forecast issue / map is blank: If you are experiencing an issue regarding the location or information in our hourly forecast, or if a weather forecast map is blank, please clear the cache/data for and also reset location permissions for our website, on your browser via your browser Settings. We have included suggested methods to do this on the first FAQ for some of the more popular web browsers. This should resolve the issue and display the forecast correctly. The Met Éireann app is unaffected by this issue.

Rainfall Radar: please read the Common Rainfall Radar Queries section on our FAQ page before contacting us with any such queries.
If you have any queries on how to use our website and app, please first check out our guide page. Otherwise, please include links/screenshots of the issue or query in your correspondence.

The main email address is Please email Web/App Queries to

Other contacts are in the dropdown below.

Contact Us Privacy Statement 

* = mandatory