09th August 2019
The 3rd episode of the Met Éireann Podcast is now... more
08th August 2019
A special IPCC* report on ‘Climate Change and La... more
02nd August 2019
Warm overall , drier and sunnier in the South and ... more
02nd August 2019
Met Éireann’s Director Eoin Moran and leadi... more
26th July 2019
The working national definition of a heatwave is f... more
02nd July 2019
A cool month overall, warmer finish The first thre... more
20th June 2019
Met Éireann starting new English and Irish monthl... more
04th June 2019
The HIRLAM numerical weather prediction (NWP) mode... more
27th May 2019
Swim within your depth, stay within your depth an... more
03rd May 2019
Above average temperatures and rainfall for most A... more
03rd April 2019
The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) have r... more
01st April 2019
One of our most important roles here in Met Éirea... more
28th March 2019
Workshop on state-of the-art climate reanalysis da... more
22nd March 2019
World Meteorological Day takes place every year on... more
05th March 2019
February 2019 was very mild and mostly dry: Febr... more
25th February 2019
Met Éireann regularly uses climate information an... more