Mission Statement


Met Éireann staff outside our Headquarters in Glasnevin, Dublin during the visit of WMO’s Secretary General Prof. Petteri Taalas on 25th February 2020.

Met Éireann staff outside our Headquarters in Glasnevin, Dublin during the visit of WMO’s Secretary General Prof. Petteri Taalas on 25th February 2020. Pictured front row L-R is Eoin Moran, Director Met Éireann; Prof. Petteri Taalas and Dr. Sarah O’Reilly, Assistant Director Met Éireann.

Our mission is to monitor, analyse and predict Ireland’s weather and climate, and to provide a range of high quality meteorological and related information to our customers.

Our Vision

Making Ireland Weather and Climate Prepared.

Our Goals

  • Enhance support for impact-based decision making for weather events
  • Provide climate information services which promote the safety of citizens and supports economic and environmental resilience
  • Deliver a high quality national flood forecasting service
  • Continue to provide an effective authoritative voice on meteorology in Ireland
  • Maintain and support an expert, professional workforce
  • Lead a modern, integrated meteorological infrastructure and support an enterprise environment for weather and climate services