
If buoy data is not available for more than 24hours, all data are marked ‘n/a’. All reports are issued in GMT.
May 2024: currently the M2, M4, M5 and M6 buoys are not displaying reports on met.ie, their reports are available on Marine Institute.

Note: the data collected from IL1-4 Navigation buoys are part of a pilot study between Met Éireann and Irish Lights. The quality of the data published is currently being tested as part of the pilot study.

Marine Climatology Graph of buoy M1-6 displaying their Mean and Maximum wind speed, air temperature, sea temperature and wave height data for each month since their installation is available here.

Met Éireann also receives data from a buoy off Mace Head, Co. Galway for internal use only. We acknowledge that this buoy is part of the COMPASS project’s ‘Network of Buoys’. The COMPASS project is supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

The network of M1 – M6 buoys around Ireland is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and managed by the Marine Institute in collaboration with Met Éireann.