Climate data for thermal modelling of buildings

stock image of modern glass building with clouds reflecting off glass

A set of weather and climate data files have been produced for use in building energy models when designing new buildings. These are available at six locations around Ireland, shown in the map below. These come in the form of both a Test Reference Year (TRY) and 3 Design Summer Years (DSY), for both past data and future projections.

Map of Ireland indicating locations for which weather and climate data files are available for use in building energy models

They are part of the output of work package 5 of Action 203 of Ireland’s Climate Action Plan 2021 – Develop specific climate maps and data for use in building design to enhance resilience in support of climate change adaptation. These data are freely available in .csv format, with information on accessing the files given in the tabs below. Further details on the methodologies used can be found in the linked report.

Read the full report:

Griffin, S., Mateus C., and Lambkin, K. 2023. Climate data for use in building design – Past and Future weather files for overheating risk assessment. Climatological Note No. 21. Met Éireann.