Forecast valid from: 00:00, Monday 31 March 2025 until 00:00, Tuesday 01 April 2025
Southeast winds will reach force 6 early Monday night on Irish coastal waters from Mizen Head to Valentia to Loop Head.
A ridge of high pressure extends over Ireland from an anticyclone of 1030hPa centred to the south of Ireland.
Small Craft Warning: In effect
Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil
Wind: Southwest force 4 or 5. Later decreasing south force 2 to 4. Increasing southeast force 4 to 6 by the end of the period.
Weather: Cloudy with light rain or drizzle as well as mist and fog patches.
Visibility: Decreasing moderate or poor in precipitation, mist and fog.
Wind: South or variable force 2 to 4. Later increasing southeast force 3 or 4 and occasionally force 5.
Weather: Mostly fair becoming cloudy with mist and fog patches imminent. Fair later.
Visibility: Decreasing poor in mist and fog, otherwise good.
Wind: Southwest or variable force 2 to 4. Soon backing southeast and later increasing force 4 to 6.
Weather: Cloudy with mist and fog patches. Fair later.
Visibility: Decreasing poor in mist and fog, otherwise good.
Moderate to strong southeasterly winds, increasing near gale force in the southwest Tuesday evening. Weather: Mainly fair.
Forecast issued at: 00:00, Monday 31 March 2025
All times are local unless specified