Réamhaisnéis limistear na farraige

Forecast valid from: 00:00, Tuesday 16 July 2024 until 00:00, Wednesday 17 July 2024

Small Craft Warning


Gale Warning


Meteorological Situation at 21:00 UTC

A depression of 1004 hPa centred over Wales generates a mostly light to moderate northerly or variable airflow over Ireland. Associated frontal systems are embedded in the flow.

Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil

Wave Height Forecast

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Malin Head to Howth Head to Mizen Head and for the Irish Sea

Wind: North force 3 or 4, occasionally touching force 5 at times. Soon backing northwest. Later further backing west.

Weather: Showery outbreaks of rain. Mist and isolated fog patches. Mostly fair later.

Visibility: Reducing moderate or poor in any precipitation mist or fog, otherwise good.

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Mizen Head to Erris Head to Malin Head

Wind: North force 3 or 4. Soon backing west.

Weather: Cloudy to fair with isolated showers at times. Isolated mist.

Visibility: Reducing moderate or poor in any precipitation or mist, otherwise good.

Outlook for a further 24 hours until 00:00, Thursday 18 July 2024

Moderate to fresh southerly winds, increasing strong at times. Weather: Cloudy to fair with isolated showers at first. Cloud and outbreaks of rain extending from the Atlantic from noon Wednesday.

Forecast issued at: 00:00, Tuesday 16 July 2024

All times are local unless specified