With our guest this month, Seamus Walsh – Head of Climate and Observations at Met Éireann – we bring you through the fundamentals of climate change and discuss the latest climate projections for Ireland and the world, including how temperature, rainfall, storms and sea level will all change into the future.
We explore the greenhouse effect, how it works, and how emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane contribute to changing our climate.
We talk about measuring our carbon emissions and detail the relationship between increasing carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere and increasing temperatures. We will also answer questions on how much global temperatures will rise by the end of this century, how much sea level will increase, and how soon Arctic summers may become ice-free.
Closer to home, we discuss how climate change will affect Ireland’s weather and climate, how much our temperatures will rise, if we will get more or less rainfall, and the severity of storms that we might experience in our future climate.
This episode also features the Met Éireann choir – The Isobars – who play us out with a beautiful rendition of Samhradh Samhradh. See below for more information on The Isobars.