Met Eireann attends primary school outreach events across Ireland

It has been a busy time for Met Eireann’s Education and Outreach unit. At Met Éireann we have supported STEM for many years and believe in inspiring our next generation and we were delighted to have exhibition stands at ESB Science Blast and STEMtacular fair this year. These events encourage primary school students to love learning by carrying out their own STEM investigations.

Met Éireann participated at the STEMtacular Fair on 27th February in Leitrim engaging with primary school students, teachers and the public from the West of Ireland including Counties Cavan, Fermanagh, Leitrim, Longford, Mayo, Roscommon and Sligo.

Photo of Met Éireann staff working at our stand at Stemtacular

ESB Science Blast ran from the 3rd to the 6th of March 2025 in the RDS, Dublin.  The 6th of March was a dedicated day for Gaelscoileanna where we had Irish speaking volunteering staff to interact with the Irish speaking students.

These events allow the opportunity for the students to carry out projects and present them to Judges and receive feedback from real-life STEM professionals. This encourages the students to predict, observe, measure and gather evidence.

Photo of MÉ staff working at our stand at Science Blast

Met Éireann had interactive exhibits at both these event, where our staff got to discuss weather and climate with a young audience, with the hopes of nurturing a love of science from an early age.  The children enjoyed our Green Screen weather presenting experience where they learned about isobars, weather fronts and much more.

The students also interacted with a “weather and climate quiz” where they could win a prize. We also had weather instruments, from a sunshine recorder, rain gauges, anemometers and thermometers, to help children understand more about some of the ways that weather is observed and recorded.

Photo of member of the public presenting the weather forecast using our green screen at Science Blast

A big thank you to all that engaged with these events!