New Podcast Available - Valentia Observatory

The story of Valentia Observatory in Co. Kerry begins with a shipwreck in 1859. It continues with the laying of the first telegraphic cable from America to Europe, the Irish Civil War, the moving of the Observatory from Valentia Island to the mainland at Cahirciveen and the evolution of meteorology from once daily observations to continuous measurement of earth and sky.

This month Keith Lambkin – Senior Climatologist at Met Éireann – joins Liz and Noel to discuss all things geophysical and meteorological from his time as Chief Scientist at Valentia Observatory.

Paul Moore has the weather and climate stats for September, while Donal Black and The Met Éireann Trad band “Ceo” perform two original tracks “Dingle Regatta” and “The Nightingale” to close out the episode.

The Irish version of the episode is now also available. Sa chlár seo insíonn Ferdia McCrann dúinn faoi stair réadlann Dhairbhre agus cá bhfuil sé ag dul amach anseo.

You can listen and subscribe below or on your favourite podcast app. Further information on each podcast is available here and on the Irish version here .

You can also contact the Podcast team at or use #MetEireannPodcast on Twitter.

Liz Walsh, Keith Lambkin, Noel Fitzpatrick

Liz Walsh, Keith Lambkin, Noel Fitzpatrick




March 2018 Valentia Observatory was awarded WMO Centennial Observing Station status

Valentia Observatory was recently recognised as a Centennial Observing Station by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) to celebrate the fact that over 100 years of high-quality continuous meteorological measurements have been recorded at the Observatory. On the 17th February, this milestone was commemorated at the Observatory in Caherciveen, Co. Kerry with the unveiling of a plaque by the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins.

During the ceremony the President was brought on a tour of the Observatory’s scientific programmes and the historical Westwood House; he also got the opportunity to launch a weather balloon. Following speeches and the unveiling of the plaque, the President was presented with a memento of the first weather observation recorded at Valentia Island in 1860. Peer Hechler from the WMO presented the formal certificate of accreditation to the Director of Met Eireann, Eoin Moran. The attendance of approximately 200 people included invited guests, members of the public, Peer Hechler (WMO), Simon Gilbert (UK Met Office), Minister of State Damien English and Minister Brendan Griffin as well as a large group of retired staff who contributed greatly to Valentia Observatory achieving world class accreditation.

(left) Director Eoin Moran and Emila Main launching a weather balloon with President Higgins. (centre) Mary O’Sullivan, Valentia Observatory, presenting President Higgins with a memento of the first weather observation recorded at Valentia. (right) Peer Hechler (WMO) presenting the certificate of accreditation to Eoin Moran.

Please look at our website for further information on the history and scientific programmes of Valentia Observatory.