National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS)

NFCS logo

The National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) coordinates collaboration between climate information providers and users in order to facilitate the creation of user-driven climate services.

To find out more click here: About the NFCS


Watch the explainer video below to find out more about the NFCS:


What does the NFCS do?

The NFCS acts to join up climate services and climate information activity, to promote and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and information across the community, and to pull through the most robust information and emerging science advances to support a more climate resilient Ireland. The NFCS serves to promote existing information (for example the TRANSLATE project) as well as signposting any and all relevant climate information for sectors and users.

NFCS organisational explainer graphic

Ireland has shown substantial progress in the provision and application of climate services over the past five years, according to the World Meteorological Organisation’s (WMO) annual State of Climate Services report for 2024, published today.

The report includes deep dive analysis on how countries have succeeded in using climate services to deliver a range of socioeconomic benefits and advance climate action, with Ireland highlighted as an example of how to successfully establish a National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS).

For more insights into the report, you can find out here.

2024 State of Climate Services report cover

2024 State of Climate Services


What exactly are Climate services?

A Climate Service is the provision of climate information to assist in climate-smart decision-making. The service must respond to user needs and must be based on scientifically credible information and expertise. A climate service is most effective when there is collaboration between users and providers of climate information and expertise.


Climate services exist across time ranging from short term warnings to climate projections that span decades and centuries. The infographic below illustrates the relationship between time and planning for climate services.


Find out more about Climate Services.


National Framework for Climate Services Workshop

The NFCS workshop was held on the 20th and 21st February 2024 in the Hilton Kilmainham, Dublin. The two-day, in-person workshop was attended by a wide range of stakeholders including both producers (Day 1) and users (Day 2) of climate services. The workshop report identifies the key findings over the two day event and concludes with a number of recommendations for the NFCS moving forward. Click on the link below to see the report:


National Framework for Climate services in practice: Case studies:

Building Energy Files Case StudyThere is currently no content associated with this image. Decorative graphic with the title SAP Development. Click on image link to visit the Sectoral Adaptation Plans development information webpage









NFCS Resources


Following stakeholder feedback, the NFCS has set up a national climate services helpdesk with a dedicated email address:    
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