This week is science week in Ireland. To mark this, over the course of the week our website will feature a series of short video clips describing different roles carried out by staff working in Met Éireann, including the roles of research scientists, climatologists, instrument engineers, weather forecasters and our Irish language officer.
And our last Science Week video is of Siobhán Ryan, broadcast meteorologist, who talks about the various roles she has had in Met Éireann so far.
Below Frank Clabby talks about some of the instruments that make up a weather station.
Dr Colm Clancy introduces his work and background as a meteorologist in the area of Numerical Weather Prediction.
Noel Fitzpatrick is a meteorologist in the Research, Environment, and Applications Division, and looks at ways we can better use satellite data to understand our weather and climate.
Below Columba Creamer talks about the importance of weather observations at sea and marine related work at Met Éireann.
In the below Sinéad Duffy summarises her involvement in several aspects of rainfall – from observing to setting up the Flood Forecasting Centre to radar meteorology.
In the following, Eoin Whelan talks about the use of weather observations in the computer models we use for forecasting the weather.
Below Aoife Murray talks about the role of an aviation forecaster in Met Éireann.
Oifigeach Ghaeilge
In san fís gearr seo, labhairíonn Ferdia McCrann, Oifigeach Meitéareolaíocht, faoin am atá caite aige san Seirbhís Náisiúnta Meitéareolaíochta agus a cuid dhulgaisí mar an oifigeach Ghaeilge. In this short video Ferdia McCrann, Meteorological Officer, talks about the time he has spent at the National Meteorological Service and his duties as the Officer of the Irish language.
The short video clip below by Keith Lambkin, Senior Climatologist, touches on the importance and benefits of meteorology to Irish agriculture.
In the clip below Dr Jevon Keane-Brennan, postdoctoral researcher at Met Éireann, talks about a project he’s involved in on extreme weather events and climate change and why it’s vital that we fully understand the connection.
Below Gerry Murphy describes the diverse nature of the work of a meteorologist in Met Éireann.