Tuesday 16th July 2024

Latest Weather Reports on 16-Jul-2024 FOR 03:00

Location Wind Weather Temp Humidity Rain Pressure
Dir Speed Kts(Km/h) Gust Kts(Km/h) oC (%) (mm) (hPa)
Athenry N 07 (13) - (-) Cloudy 14 94 0.0 1010
Ballyhaise NW 05 (9) - (-) Cloudy 14 91 0.0 1008
Belmullet NW 07 (13) - (-) Cloudy 13 82 0.0 1011
Casement SW 06 (11) - (-) Cloudy 13 92 0.01 1008
Claremorris N 07 (13) - (-) - 14 90 0.0 1010
Cork NW 08 (15) - (-) Cloudy 13 88 0.0 1010
Dublin W 04 (7) - (-) Mist 13 92 0.0 1008
Dunsany W 03 (6) - (-) - 12 97 0.0 1008
Finner NW 11 (20) - (-) Cloudy 14 90 0.0 1010
Gurteen NW 03 (6) - (-) Cloudy 12 97 0.0 1010
Johnstown Castle NW 08 (15) - (-) Cloudy 14 89 0.0 1008
Knock NW 10 (19) - (-) - 12 94 0.0 1010
Mace Head NW 16 (30) - (-) Fair 14 90 0.0 1010
Malin Head NW 12 (22) - (-) Cloudy 14 92 0.0 1009
Markree Castle - - (0) - (-) - 14 89 0.0 1010
Moore Park W 04 (7) - (-) - 14 93 0.0 1010
Mt Dillon NW 08 (15) - (-) - 14 97 0.0 1009
Mullingar NW 04 (7) - (-) Cloudy 14 95 0.0 1008
Newport Mayo NW 08 (15) - (-) - 13 91 0.0 1010
Oak Park NW 02 (4) - (-) Mist 13 96 0.0 1009
Phoenix Park - - (0) - (-) - 13 94 0.0 1008
Roche's Point NW 07 (13) - (-) Fair 14 91 0.0 1010
Shannon NW 03 (6) - (-) Cloudy 14 94 0.01 1010
Sherkin Island NW 05 (9) - (-) Cloudy 15 86 0.0 1011
Valentia NW 10 (19) - (-) Cloudy 14 88 0.0 1012

Notes on the Data

Above is based on the LATEST observations received.

  • Pressure is atmospheric pressure at Mean Sea Level.
  • ‘X’ or ‘-‘ mean that the element is not measured.
  • ‘n/a’ means that the element is not available at present.
  • Gust in Today’s Weather are displayed in km/h when there is a wind speed >10km/h higher than the average for that hour.
  • Gust in Latest Weather Reports is the highest gust of wind in knots of 21 knots or greater. If no Gusts  – (-) will display.

The data presented on this page are the latest available for each station. These data are presented here soon after the time of measurement and have not been subjected to extensive checking. Many of the measurements come from automated instruments with no human supervision. These are generally very reliable but, as with any system, human or automatic, errors can happen from time to time. During automatic operation, the “Weather” is estimated by an optical instrument. Classification of weather-type is significantly more difficult than measuring temperature or pressure and the result is occasionally incorrect. In particular, you may see a very occasional report of snow during periods of foggy weather.

Any measurement must be viewed in the context of the other parameters measured at the same time, both at the same station and at other neighbouring stations.