Forecast valid from: 12:00, Saturday 22 March 2025 until 12:00, Sunday 23 March 2025
Northerly winds will reach force 6 or higher on all Irish coasts at times through the period.
A depression of 992hPa centred near southwest England generates a moderate to strong northerly or variable airflow over Ireland.
Small Craft Warning: In effect
Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil
Wind: Northerly force 6 or 7 imminent. Later decreasing north to northeast force 5 or 6.
Weather: Outbreaks of rain and drizzle with some mist. Fair in the west and southwest. Later becoming cloudy to fair.
Visibility: Moderate or poor in precipitation and mist, otherwise good.
Wind: Northerly force 4 to 6 imminent, soon increasing force 6 or 7. Decreasing north to northeast force 5 or 6 by the end of the period.
Weather: Outbreaks of rain and drizzle with some mist. Fair in the northwest imminent. Later becoming cloudy to fair.
Visibility: Moderate or poor in precipitation and mist, otherwise good.
Moderate to strong northerly winds, decreasing light to moderate southwesterly or variable on Sunday night. Increasing fresh in the northwest on Monday. Weather: Cloudy to fair with isolated showers.
Forecast issued at: 12:00, Saturday 22 March 2025
All times are local unless specified