Forecast valid from: 12:00, Saturday 15 March 2025 until 12:00, Sunday 16 March 2025
An anticyclone of 1027hPa, centred just to the west of Ireland, maintains a light to moderate northeasterly or variable airflow across the country.
Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil
Wind: Northeasterly force 3 or 4 imminent, reaching force 5 at times.
Weather: Mostly fair with isolated showers. Isolated mist and fog patches later.
Visibility: Mostly good, decreasing moderate or poor in any showers, mist and fog.
Wind: Northerly or variable force 2 to 4, occasionally force 5 in the North Channel. Later becoming northeasterly or variable.
Weather: Mostly fair with isolated showers. Isolated mist and fog patches later.
Visibility: Mostly good, decreasing moderate or poor in any showers, mist and fog.
Light to moderate east or northeast or variable winds at first, increasing moderate to fresh east through Sunday. Winds veering east to southeast Sunday night and increasing strong in the southwest Monday morning. Weather: Cloudy to fair with isolated light showers.
Forecast issued at: 12:00, Saturday 15 March 2025
All times are local unless specified