Sea Area Forecast

Forecast valid from: 12:00, Tuesday 25 March 2025 until 12:00, Wednesday 26 March 2025

Small Craft Warning

South to southwest winds will increase to force 6 on Wednesday morning between Slyne Head and Malin Head.

Gale Warning


Meteorological Situation at 09:00 UTC

An anticyclone of 1033hPa centred over the Azores, extends a ridge over Ireland and generates a light to moderate mainly northwest airflow. A weak front continues to clear southwards this morning.

Small Craft Warning: In effect

Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil

Wave Height Forecast

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Mizen Head to Slyne Head to Malin Head

Wind: Variable force 2 to 4. Soon southwest force 3 or 4. Later increasing southerly force 4 to 6.

Weather: Cloudy to fair. Isolated mist and fog.

Visibility: Mostly good. Moderate to poor in any mist or fog.

Forecast for Irish coastal waters from Malin Head to Carnsore Point to Mizen Head and for the Irish Sea

Wind: Decreasing northwest or variable force 2 to 4 imminent. Later increasing southerly force 3 or 4, occasionally force 5 at times between Malin Head and Fair Head towards the end of the period.

Weather: Cloudy to fair. Isolated mist, drizzle and fog, mainly in the south.

Visibility: Mostly good. Moderate to poor in any mist, drizzle or fog.

Outlook for a further 24 hours until 12:00, Thursday 27 March 2025

Wind: Moderate to fresh south to southwest winds, strong to near gale force for a time on Wednesday afternoon and evening in the west and northwest. Winds increasing fresh to strong on Thursday morning. Weather: Becoming mostly cloudy with scattered outbreaks of patchy light rain and drizzle spreading from the northwest, along with occasional mist and fog.

Forecast issued at: 12:00, Tuesday 25 March 2025

All times are local unless specified