Forecast valid from: 06:00, Wednesday 12 March 2025 until 06:00, Thursday 13 March 2025
Northerly winds will reach force 6 at times today (Wednesday) on Irish coasts from Valentia to Fair Head to Hook Head.
Ireland lies in a moderate to fresh northerly airflow with an anticyclone of 1024 hPa centred to the southwest of Iceland. A weak cold front moves south over the country.
Small Craft Warning: In effect
Heavy Swell (>4m) : Nil
Wind: Northerly force 4 to 6. Later decreasing force 3 to 5, occasionally force 6 on the Irish Sea.
Weather: Cloudy or fair with isolated showers.
Visibility: Mostly good but reducing moderate in showers.
Moderate to fresh northerly winds, decreasing mainly light to moderate northerly or variable, occasionally fresh. Fresh to strong northerly winds in the west and northwest later, light to moderate variable elsewhere. Weather: Cloudy to fair with isolated showers, becoming scattered. Chance of hail.
Forecast issued at: 06:00, Wednesday 12 March 2025
All times are local unless specified